Güvenlik & Uyumluluk

Safety & Compliance

Proactively detect threats to sensitive data and systems, securely deliver your services and ensure compliance with industry regulations with ICT Cloud Security & Compliance solutions that enable continuous and proactive monitoring of cloud infrastructure and applications and solve cloud security compliance issues.
OVERVIEW Reduce risk while increasing agility with our proactive approach to cloud security!

What is Security & Compliance?

Helping you keep your business compliant by performing regular audits as required by various government and industry compliance standards, ICT Cloud Security & Compliance solutions provide reasonable security for your workloads, encrypt sensitive data, and give you the tools to perform regular audits to identify and address potential security issues for your business.

With audit logs, ICT Cloud records information on what actions were taken in cloud environments, when they occurred and who published them.
Güvenlik & Uyumluluk Nedir?

Take a Closer Look at the Benefits of ICT Cloud Security & Compliance Solutions

"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
Kolaylaştırılmış Yönetim
Streamlined Governance
Protect your sensitive data from public disclosure and integrate cloud security into your business in the easiest way by defining all configurations to prevent vulnerabilities thanks to pre-set controls with ICT Cloud Security & Compliance solutions.
Gelişmiş İzleme
Advanced Monitoring
Make your business ready for all compliance audits and monitor all your activities 24/7 with ICT Cloud Security & Compliance solutions that allow you to understand who, what, when, where and how all activities in the complex and distributed structure of the cloud.
Yüksek Kontrol
High Control
ICT Cloud Security & Compliance solutions help you avoid problematic misconfigurations in the cloud with automation while making it easy for you to control all the change related to speed and flexibility, two of the biggest advantages of the cloud, and allow you to continuously control these configurations.
Gelişmiş Raporlama
Advanced Reporting
Providing the most up-to-date and historical proof of compliance, ICT Cloud Security & Compliance solutions provide a complete timeline of all events before and after any incident, providing critical evidence in any situation where your compliance is questioned.

Let's decide the ideal Security & Compliance solution
for you together.

Security & Compliance Solutions Usage Scenarios
Secure Access

It regularly tests the system to ensure optimal performance and a secure platform at every layer.

Meeting Compatibility Requirements

Enabling you to meet compliance standards in day-to-day operations.

Enable Security Monitoring and Response

It always keeps monitoring your environment for improved threat visibility and response.

Automating Local Security

Allows you to automate manual security tasks.

Safety Posture Assessment

It analyzes the current state of cloud security and allows you to create a comprehensive remediation plan.

Other Cloud Based Services

"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
Why ICT Cloud
Security & Compliance?
Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!
Etkin Koruma
Effective Protection
Our cloud platform can protect you against attacks larger than 2 Tbps. Our specialized hardware guarantees that you will be protected against both international and domestic attacks.
24 Saat Geliştirme
24 Hour Development
The difference in time zones as a result of offshore development is turned into an advantage with a development schedule of approximately 24 hours. Since development takes place almost around the clock, we ensure that you get an accelerated time-to-market while your product maintains product quality.
En Hızlı Büyüyen Teknoloji Şirketi
Fastest Growing Technology Company
ICT Cloud is the first fastest growing technology company in Turkey and the 20th fastest growing technology company in the region in the Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA list, which determines the fastest growing technology companies in the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region.
7/24 Profesyonel Destek
24/7 Professional Support
It provides customized support to meet your needs with Security & Compliance solutions and provides instant solutions to your problems with an expert staff that will be with you 24/7.

ICT Cloud in Numbers

"Move your business to the cloud with ICT Cloud, the choice of the best!"
Data Volume (PB)
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