Harran University hosted Informatics Days

Harran Üniversitesi’nde Bilişim Günlerine ev sahipliği yaptı. Harran Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi ve Türkiye Bilişim Derneği işbirliğinde ‘TBD Bilişim Günleri’ programı düzenlendi.

Harran University hosted Informatics Days. 'TBD Informatics Days' program was organized in cooperation with Harran University Faculty of Engineering and Turkish Informatics Association.

Harran University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sabri Çelik, Ministry of Treasury and Finance General Director of Information Technologies Dr. Cebrail Taşkın, President of Turkish Informatics Association Rahmi Aktepe, Dean of Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Hüsamettin Bulut, Dean of Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali Çullu, Provincial Representative of Tema Foundation Prof. Dr. Ali Rıza Öztürkmen, academicians, business executives and students attended the program held at the Faculty of Agriculture Hüseyin Apan Conference Hall.

In the program, which started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, Harran University Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sabri Çelik, Ministry of Treasury and Finance General Director of Information Technologies Dr. Cebrail Taşkın, Turkish Informatics Association President Rahmi Aktepe and Turkish Informatics Association Istanbul Branch Chairman Deniz Tiryakioğlu made opening speeches.

Stating that he has been a member of the Turkish Informatics Association for 23 years, Dr. Cebrail Taşkın, Director General of Information Technologies, said: "Dear student friends, take part in such non-governmental organizations. I especially want you to be a member of the Informatics Association of Turkey. In addition to being a member, take an active role. Your activities will take you far ahead. I would like to thank all my professors who prepared and contributed to such a meaningful event."

Stating that the software sector has the highest number of young people in terms of employment compared to other sectors, Rahmi Aktepe, President of the Informatics Association of Turkey, said: "Our country, which has made a breakthrough in the software sector in recent years, has a high potential in this field with its young population. In addition to the software sector, which has shown a growth of around 20 percent in Turkey compared to the previous years, the highest growth in the computer technologies sector compared to the previous year occurred in the software sector. Our Turkish software sector also has a growing capacity every year."
Rector Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sabri Çelik; "In the past years, the subject of composition was never so popular. Here, our informatics community members, university professors, CEOs and managers of institutions have very good synergies. I would like to thank Cebrail Taşkın, the President of the Informatics Society of Turkey, Rahmi Aktepe and everyone who contributed to this event. I was studying at university between 1970 and 1974. At that time, there were quite large computers at Istanbul Technical University where I studied. I was always curious about the words computer, informatics, software, hardware, computing. I learned who produced these words. Aydın Köksal, the founder of the Informatics Association of Turkey, who really produced these words, was aware of everything. Dear students, learn this job well. A 50-year-old association is a great thing for Turkey. When I came to Turkey from the US in the 1990s, computer was everywhere. A year or two later, thanks to our teacher Aydın Köksal, we started to say computer in Turkey. I would like to express my gratitude to our teacher for bringing this association to us."

After the opening speeches, the presentations started. In the presentations, Mutlu Ataç, Member of the Executive Board of ICT Cloud with the topic of IT Sector and Technology Future Predictions, and Mutlu Ataç, Member of the Executive Board of ICT Cloud with the topic of What is Entrepreneurship and Angel Investor? Hüseyin Karayağız, Trangels Co-Founder and investor, Cemil Şinasi Türün, Lecturer at Boğaziçi University and founder of Defterhane, with the topic of Blockchain Technology and New Financial Systems, Dr. Ayşe Çınar, retired lecturer at Marmara University, with the topic of Data-Driven Future and Data Science, Data Mining, Ali Yazıcı, 2nd President of Turkish Informatics Association, with the topic of Cyber Security, and Dr. Ziya Karakaya, Lecturer at Atılım University, with the topic of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation.

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